Monday, July 28, 2008

Riverboat Triathlon

This past weekend I raced the innaugural Riverboat Triathlon. Leland, my fiancée and I decided to drive up race morning and watch Batman on Friday evening. It was a lot of fun!

We got to the race, I got my packet and begun to warm up. I wasn't feeling especially frisky ( I did not taper and was quite sore, to be honest), so I took the swim a bit slower than usual. I had a small lead at the turnaround, and worked a bit harder on the way back to increase it a bit so I'd start the ride alone. I got out first and sprinted through transition as quickly as I could.

Onto the bike, I started out fast, but eventually settled into a more manageable pace, especially toward the end of the 20 mile ride as my sore legs begun to complain. I wanted to save something for the run, especially as the Alabama heat was starting to get to me. I had forgotten how quickly 95F and 90% humidity can slow one down :-)

My plan for the run was to start at a manageable pace, and build into a stronger rhythm. Coming from a short course background I always have a hard time doing this, but I was able to run about 25 seconds faster on the 2-mile stretch back toward the finish. I was pleased by that. It means that if I had to keep pushing a hard pace, I would be able to do so.
I crossed the line in 1:21 and change, and was glad to be done. After the race, held at the Alabama Belle, some of us went to the pool and hang out waiting for awards. It felt nice as the temps were soaring! I then held a quick Q&A, gave away some PowerBar nutrition CDs and got some good bbq chicken sandwiches, before driving back. In the end, I am glad to have been a part of the event - it was a really nice local race, and I definitely hope to be back next year!

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