Sunday, May 22, 2011

Just thought I would send you a race update. Did the Gulf Coast Triathlon 1/2 Ironman last Saturday and had a good day. I won over all female (age group) and over all female master. I was second over all with the first female pro's time 2 seconds faster than mine!! Of course we couldn't see each other because she started 5 minutes ahead of me. I felt great and had a really good bike ride. I rode the course in 2:28. I had the fastest female bike split. The female pro pretty much beat me in transitions! I was 4 seconds faster swimming, she was 4 seconds faster on the run and I was just under 1 minute faster on the bike. Still loving my Speed Concept! It is really comfortable. If you are interested in checking everyone's race, as a lot of people from B'ham were there, you can find them at
By the way, KiKi ordered a Rudy Project Wingspan aero helmet for me and I LOOOOOVE it!!! I think you might want to consider carrying those. It is so light I don't even notice it on my head. It also has good vents that have the option of covering completely or part of the way depending on the ouside temp. Definitely the best aero helmet I have ever tried. It also looks pretty cool which is hard for an aero helmet.

Thanks to all the guys at the stores for their help! And KiKi!


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