Sunday, April 27, 2008


Hi Everyone!
This is Deanna Frank. Finally getting around to the race update. I think most people have heard about all the drama that happened during the race. First off, I want to say even with all that, I'm very happy with my performance over all. I'm happy I placed second, although I feel like I could have taken the win if not for a couple of misfortunate happenings. I guess it just was not meant to be. Drats!! Now for the race recap:
I knew my main competition was Amy Kloner and Bianca Simpson. Both of them being very strong on the bike, it was most important that I get as much a cushion on the run as possible. Things were progressing nicely and I had about a 30 second lead running 5:50 pace. Now, I know and everyone else knows that I know the course, especially living here. But when I'm in race mode and I see a barricade and a person standing there saying "Great job!", I turn left at that barricade and suddenly realize I'm living one of my recurring nightmares. You know the ones where you forget race gear and find out during the race, or you're off course and don't know where you're going. I had gone off course due to a barricade being left up from the day before, and as my husband says, because I'm a "mullet head". I was in a panic running in circles, and then here come Amy and Bianca who did the same thing. I was so mad because I lost my cushion and I was also afraid we would be disqualified because it is the athlete's responsibility to know the course. We got back on course as best we knew how in all the confusion, and I managed to get about 15 seconds ahead of them again. Going out of transition I saw Don, my husband, and yelled to him what happened and he told me to forget about it and get on the bike. So going into the bike I had a mixture of emotions, but I figured I would at least get a good workout and try not to let Amy and Bianca pass me up. Amy ended up passing me on the second loop and came in about 40 seconds ahead of me (hence needing that cushion I lost), so I knew I had to run her down. I felt great and had gained 20 seconds back and was ready to make my move on the hill and catch her and I felt the bottom of my foot pop. It was instant extreme pain and I knew something bad had just happened. I've had a chronic problem with some plantar fasciitis as well as a heel spur there. I normally never ever ever run without my powersteps, but I did that day and now regret it. I also had on a pair of racing flats that I love, but normally never ever ever run over a 5K in them. At first I didn't know what to do. I had to run with a limp and it was excruciating, but I did not want to quit. I was already hurt, so I decided I would be twice as mad if I dropped out too. So I hobbled in for roughly a mile and 1/2 and held on to second. We all three ended up with a 4 minute penalty too. That was plenty of time penalized as we only ran about 2/10 of a mile short. I was just glad not to be DQ'd, but it wasn't all our fault.
I'd also like to give praise to Faris Malki with Cahaba/Homewood Cycles. I've had a couple of injuries over the last 2-3 years that caused my bike fit to be altered. I havn't felt quite like myself or had the results on the bike I know I'm capable of in that time. This year, Faris tweaked my fit a couple of times and I feel like my old self again! I am so excited about it. I had the fastest bike split I've ever had at Powerman. I'm also SO comfortable. It makes me more excited to race again and gives me the confidence back I once had about the bike leg in triathlon. Tyree and the guys in the shop always do such a great job making sure my bike is mechanically sound, so that is never a worry come race day.
Now my foot just needs to heal. It has gotten better really fast and I think maybe I can run by next weekend. I'm just now starting to walk normally. By the way, MRI showed a partial tear of the plantar fascia. I was on a crutch for the first couple of days, but every day it's a little better. Eskridge and White Physiotherapy has gotten me through many injuries and I'll get through this one too with their help. I've just been hammering the bike and the swim. That's the good thing about multi-sport!
See you all out there! And hopefully really soon on a run!

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